Special Metals Pages

Wednesday, 30 June 2010

China Plans to Maintain Export Limits on Minor Metals

It was said yesterday that China are still persisting with shipping and making metals to protect and limit pollution, although the World Trade Organisation have questioned them previously.

Tungstenmolybdenum and vanadium are mineral resources that give China an advantage and are non-renewable,” Zhang Fengkui, division head of raw materials at the Ministry of Industry and Information Technology, said in Beijing today.

The government in china has cut the quota of 2010 on Tungsten to 14,300 metric tons which has reduced from 14,600 as well as molybdenum has remained the same at 25,500 tons.
These minor metals “play an important role in the national economy,” Zhang said at a conference.

Sunday, 27 June 2010


Beadblasting is done using fine non metallic abrasives to produce a perfectly clean uniform finish, even on the most awkward of shapes.

There are several different attractive bead blast finishes we can achieve.

Both of the above methods are cost effective and time saving surface preparations.

They are a non aggressive cleaning process for corroded, painted and old and tired looking metal items.

Wednesday, 23 June 2010

Molybdenum increases to 5%

It seems that molybdenum is on the increase again and is said to be producing quicker than the normal rate of 4% to 5%.

Mr Kevin Loughrey, A Thompson Creek CEO said “The molybdenummarket has been growing at a 4% to 5% rate historically, and it could grow faster than that this year, because there is some rebound effect.

Though actual numbers are hard to come by for the globalmolybdenum market, Thompson Creek estimates 2009 demand declined to about 420 million pounds”.

“It’s a little easier to get that growth if demand comes back. A rough estimate would be a 450 million pounds market, but no one really knows. The trend line seems to be gently upward, albeit with significant ups and downs. But the overall price trend is escalating upwards. And we think that is consistent with supply and demand fundamentals and Over the past several weeks, as demand is growing, not hugely, but on a regular basis, there is not a lot of moly to answer to that demand. That’s caused the price to move up fairly substantially in the last few weeks” He added.

Saturday, 12 June 2010

SMF on front page.

We like to keep the blog followers up to date of where we are when searching for us on Google.

When searching for Niobium Suppliers Essex we come up on the front page 2nd from the top.
See it Here.

We like to keep ourselves up there so that you can find us easily and efficiently.


Saturday, 5 June 2010


SMF would like to tell you that if you would like a quotationfor any of the services that we provide then please don't hesitate to contact us.

Even if its a question about what we do, or how much a particular service you require is.

A - Special Metals Fabrication Ltd
Unit 31 Fanton Hall Farm
SS12 9JF
T: 01268 761188
F: 01268 761722
E: sales@special-metals.co.uk